For everyone who feels like speaking English....

Hé Scutch,

I can remember when Joe (4 1/2) saw snow for the first time, at first he was a bit scared (being 1 1/2) but that only lasted a minute or so, after that he had a great time catching it and wondering where it went when it touched his hand. Really cute, adorable, every mushy word you can imagine, but .....that's how it works with children and especially your own, doens't it.


Miranda  :)
Yeah those mushy moments are great!  Like the first smile........... :)

This morning Shea loved watching the big snowflakes falling down outside.  Everything is really pretty and white today.  When it's like this I don't mind the cold  :freezing: weather so much.
Well I do, it makes driving a bit harder, espcially when those sunday drivers are on thr road.... doing 80 where you can easaly do 110 with the wet snow.... :x
I'm on the road for 3 to 4 hours a day and I really wonder how some people were able to pass their driving tests..!

I know in Oz the speed limit is a lot lower, but at least the are doing the speed limit... :up:

Well only 2 months and 26 day till I leave... not that i'm counting...  :-D :up:

29 days before I go, and yes, I AM  counting down the days.
Don't like snow at all, especially since I've sold my car.
I sold it 2 weeks ago, and it's been bad weather since then, is that a sign or just bad karma  :evil:

A sign of bad karma which infects us all...  :|  :-D
Ah there are so many people jealous at you (at least one though:-D)

My mom saw her youth-love with carnaval and he is from Australia. He told my mom we could come and visit and have a chat and that he would help me when/if I'm ready.  :up:
[quote author=Koengaroo]
I know in Oz the speed limit is a lot lower, but at least the are doing the speed limit... :up:

Hi Koen,

My experience says the opposite!

Whenever it rains here traffic can't cope with that at all. Not to mention the roads... I haven't really driven in the rain here in Brisbane so it might be better here, but Sydney was a disaster. Traffic would almost come to a standstill and roads (even in the city!) were  flooded regularly.

Anyway - just an observation... it might be different elsewhere in Australia.

[quote author=Eerainuh link=topic=2886.msg50059#msg50059 date=1141251683]
Hee Fol,

it's a bad sign of Karma which AFFECTS us all.


The bad karma is spreading...from the weather to this topic...I really don't know the reason why I make so many errors in this topic....from 'not being used to living yet', up to getting 'infected' with things...eek... :(
Not to worry Fol :) It happens all the time to a lot of people, . I just happened to see your post, hence :) And while I'm at it; 'to be jealous OF'...  :wink: Sometimes I say to Steve " (verb) ... at? of? with? on?"  :-o
Well I just read my post back, and discovered at least 3 typo's which nobody pick on...  :up:

So I guess it is just a matter of reading what sombody actually writes.... and then pick on them.... :evil: :|

No we do not pick here on each other, we trye to heblp one another... right...??? :roll:

@Trude, I have never liked the traffic  in Sydney, to many one way streets and to many people on the wrong side of the road... :rotflmao:
I have been arround Victoria and even NSW in heavy rainfall, but have not experenced the way of driving as I have here. The people just break as soon as there is one snowflake falling from above... :x ... it just pathatic!

And seriously I really sometimes wonder how people have past their driving tests... they just do something, and the have never heard of using a indicator or looking over the sholder before turning/ switshing lanes...!
I als ride on motorbikes and therefore I am a better car driver, I see things before they happen and anticipate on that, therefore I don't have to use my brakes so much while others just hit the pedal to the metal and then brak full on... :|

Ok this is it for now, I know Oz is not perfect eather and if I would be driving there all the time it is probably the same or worse, but this is what is anoying right now....!

[quote author=Koengaroo link=topic=2886.msg50134#msg50134 date=1141299756]
So I guess it is just a matter of reading what somebody actually writes.... and then pick on them.... :evil: :|

No we do not pick on each other here , we try to help one another... right...??? :roll:

@Trude, I have never liked the traffic  in Sydney, to many one way streets and to many people on the wrong side of the road... :rotflmao:
I have been around Victoria and even NSW in heavy rainfall, but have not experienced the way of driving as I have here. The people just break as soon as there is one snowflake falling from above... :x ... it just pathetic!

And seriously I really sometimes wonder how people have passed their driving tests... they just do something, and they have never heard of using an indicator or looking over the shoulder before turning/ switching lanes...!
I also ride on motorbikes and therefore I am a better car driver, I see things before they happen and anticipate ? them ?, therefore I don't have to use my brakes so much while others just hit the pedal to the metal and then break full on... :|

Ok this is it for now, I know Oz is not perfect either and if I would be driving there all the time it is probably the same or worse, but this is what is annoying right now....!


Hi zoeteken, I'm just practicing my English and I'm abusing your last post, no harm meant!
I agree with you that bikers are at peril here, nobody seems to mind them and drives without looking, that's why I am glad that Hans sold his bike. It's not that he was a bad driver, it's the other people on the road I'm afraid of!!

Man i'm going to love it more when the weather picks up.

yeah i like/ love it when it snows , but i don't like the cold  :cold: :cloud: :freezing: :freezing:

Bring over the warm sun and air  :up: :up:
I'm Looking quite forward to Dinner in belguim  :-D :up: ( :| )

Hey Koen :)

I definitely do not pick on people. I don't know if you get the meaning of 'to pick on', but trust me, I have better things to do than that!  :)

If it's about spellings mistakes (like f.e. "eather" i.s.o. "either") I wouldn't bother to post. But I happened to see a wrongly used word. That's all - and then I teased by mentioning another mistake.

I think I asked a while ago what to do about mistakes in the English posts, and I've forgotten general opinion was, but it doesn't really matter, because there's too many posts here to keep up with anyway :lol:

Alrighty, have a good one,


Hi Irene,

This was not ment like a bad remark, as said many times before we are here to helpo eachother with the english spellig... as you can see I still make plenty...  :-D
And it is alright to better any mistakes or wrongly used words, all I said was:
Well I just read my post back, and discovered at least 3 typo's which nobody pick on... 

So I guess it is just a matter of reading what sombody actually writes.... and then pick on them.... 

No we do not pick here on each other, we trye to heblp one another... right...

In other words I was teasing a little... guess I did a god job seeing the reactions I got back.... :lol: :rotflmao:

Hey it's all in good fun here.... :up: :-D

Hi zoeteken, I'm just practicing my English and I'm abusing your last post, no harm meant!
@Sara, none taken... :up:

I agree with you that bikers are at peril here, nobody seems to mind them and drives without looking, that's why I am glad that Hans sold his bike. It's not that he was a bad driver, it's the other people on the road I'm afraid of!!

Happy you agree with me, although I must say that I was now actually refering to the car drivers doing a bad job. And because I'm a biker I intent to look further ahead and anticipate before most car drivers do... :wink:

This is really so !@#$#%*& terrible! My office is at the south side of the building so when the sun shines, it shines right into my office. Nice you would say... Well... Yes it is, but not when it shines into your office all day long! Lot's of colleagues from the north side say "It's a sauna in here!" when they enter my office.... and today? There's no sun so it's almost freezing in here... I've turned off the heater (is that a correct word?) yesterday, because it was stinking hot again in here. So one day it's hot, next day it's cold..... No wonder I got a cold! Thank God I'm going to move to the north side in about 3 weeks!
Hiya Annemiek

So one day it's hot, next day it's cold..... No wonder I got a cold!
sounds to me like you are in Melbourne :-D :-D

Bye for now :)
Syl (from a rainy, a very rainy Brisbane)
I wish I was in Melbourne!! Then it would only take me a few hours to get to Brisbane by plane instead of 24 hours ;) And it would be a lot cheaper if I would already be in Melbourne ;)
[quote author=Eerainuh link=topic=2886.msg50072#msg50072 date=1141261202]

Not to worry Fol :) It happens all the time to a lot of people, . I just happened to see your post, hence :) And while I'm at it; 'to be jealous OF'...  :wink: Sometimes I say to Steve " (verb) ... at? of? with? on?"  :-o


Is this a conspiracy?  :lol: