For everyone who feels like speaking English....

Well my mum is quite supportive, although she hates seeing me go. It helpes that she has met Katrina, she just loves Kat and spoils her rotten... and ofcourse Kat rubs it in.... but she knows I changed my plans for her back in 2002 from migrating to WHV, just for her. So now she isn't complaining at all.  :up:

Gr.Koen  :up:
It is very unpredictable how loved ones will react. I would have been so nice if she would have reacted in the 'normal' way, then I could have spent those last 6 weeks with my parents close to me, but now ....  it seems hard for her just to look at me! And indeed, I feel VERY guilty. Sometimes I feel so guilty that I can hardly breathe! I know that it is not my fault that she reactes that way and almost stops living, but is very hard to look beyond that.

Well Sara, as you said to me before, KEEP YOUR CHIN UP and everything will be ok.
At a certain point your mum will realize that it doesn't help reacting like that and that she might lose a daughter by her behaviour.
It is still weird how feeling work, eventhough our comment sence tells us it is our life and our choise we still feel guilty. :|

All I can say to you Sara is that if you need a sholder... just contact us since we are in this together.

By the way I can't wait to see Hans in Melbourne again and have a pintje :cheers:  :-D

And I promise we'll be comming by when you're setled in Alice.  :up:

[quote author=Koengaroo link=topic=2886.msg58374#msg58374 date=1146722483]

All I can say to you Sara is that if you need a sholder... just contact us since we are in this together.

By the way I can't wait to see Hans in Melbourne again and have a pintje :cheers:  :-D

And I promise we'll be comming by when you're setled in Alice.  :up:


That does help, doesn't it....knowing that we are all in this together!! Same counts for you, hé zoeteken!  :wink:  And it will be great for Hans to be in MElbourne and meet up with you guys.. JUst 2 more months for him....and only a few weeks for you!!

I'm sure we will all get through this .... Good luck buddy!
That's the funny part of it. Some of us haven't seen each other in real life and still there's this major connection. Just what you said above Koen and Sara. We're all in this together and that makes it all special. All different people with one big dream :)

I think everybody has someone who doesn't react the way we like to see it, but maybe it's just because they don't know how to react? Some friends of us think it's really great what we're up to, but they rather see us stay in Holland, cause they don't wanna miss us. And another friend is out of the picture... Haven't heard of him in almost a year... We've spoken to him last year and he would e-mail us some dates for a get together, but we still have to get that e-mail...
Well  the last couple of days , has been beyond???beautiful  :beach: :beach: :happysun: :happysun: :happysun: :happysun: :dog: :dog:

Well look  i think my mum would be very upset if i let , if i moved here , but only cos she doesn't want to loose me...  But hey they always come around ....

Katrina :up: :up:
Just hope this weather stays , as this is so much better then shitty rain and the Cold

it can stay until we leave then it may rain as much as it wants ..... Sorry guys :-D :-D :? :?
If any of you wanting to find a Car , Ute , Van  and all other tpyes .
just look on to this site and hope it helps you (  just have a look around)

:up: :p :p :lol:
Hello Katrina

Here I am again. I wrote something a long time a go, but I think you allready forgot. At least I would have. In two week I have my IELTS test. And I'm allready getting nurves. I have the make the academic test. I've got a practise books but when you write something there is no one to correct you. So I remembered the topic on the forum and thought, that's wat I should do, write and get feedback from some one.

So I will start by telling something about myself and what is getting me busy.

I'm Elzelien Hoekstra, 25 years old and I live in Arnhem. I'm in my last year of bachelor teacher in dance. in two months I'm really finished and I'm allready busy with what to do next. I would like to do a postgraduate study in melbourne at the VCA. I've bin very busy latetly with getting a scholarship because it is very expensive!!!!!!!!!!! And I don't have that much money, so I'm trying to get a scholarschip. This month I will get response of al the foundations.
I  still don't now if they are going to accept me at the VCA. I still didn't sent my applicationform Before I can sent my application to them a have the pass the IELTS test.

At the moment I'm really stressed out because it's taking so much energy. I would like to quit, but then I think of al the effort that I already put in and then I realise that I can't give up, at least not at this point. After a month i will now if al the effort was worth it. I hope so.

Well that was it for today.

I'm sorry if I interrupt any other conversation.


Elzelien Hoekstra

every commot is welkom (please check my grammar!)
Hi Elzelien. First of all I want to wish you good luck! We did the IELTS last year and the general test was not that hard... It's a long, tiring day...
Next year we have to do the IELTS again. My boyfriend had a lack of working experience so the skills assessment at the ACS was negative. We have to wait until this September and then we can start again. That means that we have to do the IELTS once more, because they're no longer valid.

You only made a few mistakes with your grammar, but that's because you've typed to fast maybe?
commot = comment
didn't sent = didn't send
nurves = nervous
bin = been
some one = someone
My english isn't perfect at all and I make most of the mistakes by typing to fast. Sometimes I know how to say a word, but not how to wright it. That's really irritating ;)

Concentration is the key for your IELTS ;) You'll be alright I'm sure ;)
@ Elzelien - I will have all my Finger, toes  and anything else crossed for you , when you go for your IELTS
i wish you all the best and all the luck i have got for you.. :up: :up:

You will be ok ... just relax and just go in there with your head up high

Hello Elzelien,

Good luck with you test. And as you are writing in this topic I assume you would like to get some feedback on your story.
I think you did well.
I will correct some of your mistakes as far as I can (with my English knowledge, but the IELTS people said my english was of expert really happy.....overall band score of 8.5).
A few additional ones to earlier writers:
allready = already
getting me busy = keeping me busy (although it is not really grammatically incorrect)
"last year in bachelor teacher in dance" sounds not completely correct.................
I'm really finished = I've really finished (if you're finished you are sort of dead .....)
getting response of = getting response from
now = know
didn't sent = haven't sent
before I can sent = before I can send (it's send sent sent)
all effort I've already put in it......
every comment is welcome.........

.....And so I have checked your grammar (at least ...most of it....)

You'll be allright....

well Elzelien

i understood you
you doing well , and i will to. help along the way if it sounds wrong and or what ok

hey Practise makes Perfect ... so keep it up
[quote author=Annemiek link=topic=2886.msg58836#msg58836 date=1147091739]
My english isn't perfect at all and I make most of the mistakes by typing to fast. Sometimes I know how to say a word, but not how to wright it. That's really irritating ;)

Annemiek? Were you again typing too fast? are you not sure how to wright it, or are you not sure how to write it :lol:

And is it irritating? Or just annoying? I thought it was irritating if it gave you the itch and you really had to scratch
hello everybody

Thanks for your support. I see that I've made a lot of mistakes so i have to practise some more. Can anybody tell me how they practise there writing. I'm reading a lot and I'm already speaking in English with my boyfriend, but I've got the feeling that it isn't enough.

[quote author=Robert en Elzelien link=topic=2886.msg58872#msg58872 date=1147116474]
hello everybody

Thanks for your support. I see that I've made a lot of mistakes so i have to practise some more. Can anybody tell me how they practise there writing. I'm reading a lot and I'm already speaking in English with my boyfriend, but I've got the feeling that it isn't enough.



I think it's just a case of as much practise as possible. I am very limited on what I can write in dutch because I only read English books, and never took enough time to get my written gramma perfected.

Picking up any language is easy if you are determined enough, and not scared to make mistakes. Writing is much the same. The more practise, the less mistakes you will make.

I must admit that when I was in Holland after a few years, and could actually pick fault at peoples writing and gramma, I couldn't believe how bad some people actually write & spell over here. (in Dutch) Just look on Marktplaats or Speurders for some cracking examples. If you promise that you will endeavour to be better than that, you have no problem.  :-D

Can anybody tell me how they practice there writing

This sentence is almost written the right way, accept for one word as far as I can see, the word there most likely should have been THEIR. If you use the word there it appoints to a place or location for instance: no it was all the way over there.... :wink:

I think overall you are not doing bad at all, I don't know how difficult the test is going to be, but that is only because of the fact that I never had to take a academic test, in 2002 I have taken the normal plain one and I'm am suffering from dyslexia, but still that didn't matter much, I got a 8,5 overall band, which at the time was reasonable.  :up:

Keep up the good work and just write as much as you as want.
