For everyone who feels like speaking English....

I've got something funny too! (one of many :-D)
My first job in Australia was working as a waitress and there was a cook and I asked him: "are you the only cock here?"  :oops: :-D

[quote author=Catkin link=topic=2886.msg70130#msg70130 date=1157392080]
That one's solved: emphaty
But now I need to know Verzorging as a subject (verzorging is care, but how do you name it when it's a subject in school)?

I think that's spelled 'empathy'?

Ever used this website?

Eerainuh ,
Why does everyone keep telling you to speak ENGLISh....O it's because you keep going into Dutch. .. Remember who made this topic up Please !!

This is a topic where everyone can enjoy and practise there ENGLISH and it doesn't help when you speak Dutch.

Even when i came on to check how my topic is doing , i go well untill i get to what you have typed ,as i don't understand . How many times do we have to get it [glow=red,2,300]registered in your brian[/glow], that this is a ENGLISH TOPIC  :x

I"m not been nasty just putting my point across...

Katrina :up: :wink: :cool:
[quote author=Sheila link=topic=2886.msg70173#msg70173 date=1157421467]
[glow=red,2,300]registered in your brian[/glow]

I"m not been nasty just putting my point across...


:-D Whether it is nasty or not, I am sure she will get the message now!!
ok , well sorry if you didn't like that IRENE2 , but i want to enjoy this topic also. and not always get my partner Koen to read it to me ....

once again sorry
[quote author=Sheila link=topic=2886.msg70175#msg70175 date=1157422715]
ok , well sorry if you didn't like that IRENE2 , but i want to enjoy this topic also. and not always get my partner Koen to read it to me ....
once again sorry

who says I didn't like it, did you mistake my smiley face for a cranky face?? :-D
Indeed, I did it again! Boy, what a criminal mess I am and I think it would be best for all of us if I should be taken to court over this one and be heavily punished. Especially for being bi-lingual and mixing things up now and then. What about a public stoning? Then I will humbly remember WHO made this topic up, and that it is YOUR topic.

Don't say your not being nasty (oh, allow me, it's "I'm not being nasty") when you ARE. Your two comments about my writing in Dutch were both arrogant and unpleasant, especially since we're only talking about innocent mistakes. It's not like I'm messing up your world or being a threat in any way is it?

I'd say, settle down, mind your manners and get THAT registered in your brain! (oh, yes, allow me, it's BRAIN, not BRIAN).

In the meantime, I will try my best not to reply in Dutch here.
Eerainuh, We already know you are a great bi-lingual person who regualarly makes mistake between writing in Dutch or English in this English topic.

This Topic is started by Katrina therefore she calls it her topic. The fact that she has asked you several times to write in English is in my eyes reasonable since she does not understand Dutch. The reason why she gets a little ticked of is because you keep doing it (writing in Dutch), she doesn't know what you are explaining, she doesn't know whether it is about something innocent or not. This is the only topic that is written in English and it is the only topic that she can enjoy and understand. There is no need to say that she is arrogant and unpleasant, or nasty!!! In fact you have no way of knowing. I admit that she could have used different wording to get her point across. Katrina is not the only one who has asked you to remember the topic you are writing is, PerthPete for instance has asked you to keep it in English the other day. So maybe you should think twice before you start reacting to a post in this topic.

Further I'd like to say that when Katrina apologize about her message she does mean it, I know this since I am her partner. So please accept the apologies and keep it in English in this topic.

So please lets all keep it in English, so we can all benefit from this topic, otherwise we will have to face the consequences from the Moderators.

I just deleted the post I had written here.

I do not want to participate in discussions like this.
How about discussing the difference in interpreting written messages in a different language????
For instance what you have written before...
I must be a bitch for still forgetting. Maybe the public stoning isn't enough, maybe I should be reproached my crual and cunning conduct while slowly dying a painful death!

I interpret this as a sarcastic remark, not nasty or rude, other people would consider these both. Further
this is bloody ridiculous, you guys make it sound as if I do it on purpose. For Pete's sake!!! Katrina's tone of voice was NOT pleasant.  I don't know Katrina, but I can read.
In this part you feel that we accuse you of doing something on purpose, which in my opinion is not the case.

What I’m trying to say is that it is very difficult to write something with a certain intention/meaning that doesn't always come across the way we mean.

I think that if we are not sure about what somebody means by a post we best ask that person, either in the topic or through a pm.

What I have realized over the years is that it is really hard to bring certain tones in the text I'm writing, therefore a lot of times I just call the person later after they have received my message, and explain myself verbally so they can hear my tone of voice.

And that is a good way to go to , as they can feel how you are explaining  what you meant , and not just think the worst. :)
why wouldn't you want to write in this discussions like this Eerainuh? :thinking: as it wouldn't of been like this if i didn't have to ask you again,again about your typing  dutch one here... 

Ok no-one is perfect , but at least if someone has ask you a few times not to speak dutch on this topic. you would think that it wouldn't happen again and I/We wouldn't have to ask again.

Katrina  :up: :up:
Bloody hell, what's going on????   :-o :-o is this Kindergarten?? Grade one??? or boot camp??  :-D :-D whatever it is at least it is good for our verbal skills not to mention our social skills.

Ok no-one is perfect , but at least if someone has ask you a few times not to speak dutch on this topic. you would think that it wouldn't happen again and I/We wouldn't have to ask again.

Not addressed to anyone in particular:

This is a public forum....who cares if there are a few dutch words here and there....?? There are plenty of mistakes anyway.....who gives a flying-you-know-what?   Dutch people are trying to speak/write English and English speaking people are attempting Dutch. That's great! Let me tell you...after all these years here I am pretty much unable to utter or write a Dutch sentence. let alone finish a complete conversation without an english word (or made-up Dutch word)....that's just the way it is. It is not something I do to annoy or confuse people it .....well, just happens.  :oops: :) and I can't help myself.

And it is great to take "ownership" over a topic :up: and steer it in the right direction every now and then....but the downfall is that you have to engage in pretty much everything that surfaces in this topic...and not only reply when you are slightly cheesed off.

To cut a long story slightly question was......(a couple of pages ago)

"Who doesn't want to be corrected?" ...

And that is pretty much how this subject started a long time ago.....

Let's hope I did not mess this one up too much :)                           
To speak for myself, I just asked some Dutch word here (what they meant), because most people in this topic can speak Enlish pretty good. That was my only reason to write those words down in this English topic. If anybody thinks that this is not the topic for asking such questions, just let me know (I thought it was the right topic at the moment).

About getting corrected. Everybody can correct my writing and grammar. I'm not very good in Dutch writing and grammar as well, so I've got a hard time with the English language (although english people say I can speak it alright,  that's only because they can't speak Dutch :)wink:).... I really want to know which mistakes I make, so I can learn to write and speak better english. I think about doing the IELTS test in November of December, so by then I want to be as good as it get's (for passing the test).

Thank you and have a nice day!  :lol:
[quote author=Sheila link=topic=2886.msg70196#msg70196 date=1157438987]
:thinking: [/quote]

No Dutch please! :-D :-D :-D
Hey Catkin,

You seem to be doing just fine with writing in English! Keep on coming with the questions, I reckon! But then again, this is not 'my' topic, I only dropped in a little while ago. But why not use this thinktank of I-don't-know-how-many people that have an affiliation (big word hey?) with the English language through this Land of Oz?

Hope the firy (is that English?) discussion has cooled off a bit by now, my understanding is that nobody's here on Xpdite to annoy another person. Yes, I understand it is frustrating when people write in Dutch when you expect English, but I also think it was not on purpose. Hey, I know I get into plenty of strife with my husband (Ozzie) when I speak Dutch with friends when he's around. But again, that's never on purpose, and we never got a divorce over it.

How 'bout we keep on trying?
