For everyone who feels like speaking English....

Good idea Incar!  :up:

What is everyone up to this weekend? 

I have six weeks to go before Number 2 is due so it's time to get organised.  I need to pack my case for the hospital (just in case) as Number 1 arrived 4 weeks early and I had nothing packed!  Also I need to shop for some baby clothes for him/her.  My daughter arrived in spring so her clothes were spring/summer this baby will need autumn/winter ones.  Of course if it's a boy it'll need lots of clothes, don't think he'd like to be all in pink!

Also we need to start on the baby room, my partner needs to wallpaper and paint it, but first it needs a good tidy out (it's currently the junk room).  There is no huge rush as the baby will sleep in our room the first few months but it would be good to have it ready.

Tomorrow we have a Birthday Party to go to, a friends little boy who is 4.  It's being held at a Childrens Farm so hopefully the sun will shine.

Have a great weekend everyone.

Ha, ha, I will now continue with the chatting, with excuses to Irene for not going back to that topic  ;-) This Saturday evening we are going to the interclub dinner of the Perth photoclubs. There has been a interclub competition and the photos are displayed at the Cannington Greyhound grounds. For members of the clubs a dinner is organised at 6.30. Of course wel will be there about an hour earlier to have a look at all the displayed photos.
Sunday we will be looking around for swimming pools (that is looking around for information about swimming pools). We want to get an idea about what is and what is not possible for the area that we have.

Of course we (or at least me) will try to make this weekend as long as possible, since this Monday will be my first working day in Australia... Looking forward to it and not at the same time ..

We also have a birthday party today. This girl is 3 years old now. She is the daughter of friends of us.
But I can only stay till 4 because I have to work, I work in a Grill-restaurant.

Tomorrow I don't now yet, maybe do something with my hubby and kids, and at 5 I have to work again.
On sunday it's very bussy in the restaurant, and that's what I like.

So, that's how our weekend looks like.

Have a nice weekend all  :up:

Cheers, Jolanda  :wink:
Mmmmmm, swimming pool, hey? Summer in your head? (= NL: Zomer in je bol)

Over the weekend I've been busy picking tiles and designs for a kitchen and bathroom renovation. OMG, that is turning out to be such a big job! Thought that if we could just pick a colour, and get a guy to do the biggest chunk of the work, it would all be easy... but even choosing is hard to do!!

Oh, and we've been watching the footy, too, of course. Too bad for my husband's team: The Magpies.

Talk to yous all soon!
I had to work the whole weekend. Just finished 6 days of working. Now I've got 2 days off... In those two days I've also got a meeting for my work... But well it's money and it wasn't that bad...
This evening I'm going to visit a friend. Tomorrow (when my weekend begins) I'm going to the notary (?) and the translation centre... I hope to send my skills assessment at the end of this month.
Oh, and I would suggest to give the lonely chicken the company of some basil, garlic, red chili and coriander.
Hey Linda,

Didn't mean to say we can't improve eachother's English writing abilities, but I am just better in chatting about nothing, than asking serious questions. Or answering them.
Me too, I applaud anyone (applaud or aplaud?) daring to type away in a language that's not your own, or your first. Good on yas!

How was your first working day in Oz, Perthpete?

Yes, I'm curious too how it went Pete!  Hope you're not too tired tonight to tell us all about it  :)

Well, what can I say... The work was pretty ok. Not too tiring and also no stress. But, having said that, it has of course been only the 1st day. I am taking over the work from someone who is leaving the company at the end of this week. There is a colleague who is his (and in future mine) backup, but she will be going on a holiday 3 days after he leaves. So, in one week and two days from nbow, I'll be on my own. No doubt the work will get more tiring while this week progresses, and the stress level will probably go up too ;-).
But al together I think I will be ok for the coming months (of course being paid a nice hourly rate helps ;-).
That was indeed on purpose. Good to know for everyone here in the same work situation (project management / proces management) ;-)
Hmm Peter, it's not like you sound over the moon, but you probably need a bit more time before you can judge if you're happy with the job or not. But anyhow, you've got money coming in, and that is always a good thing :)

Keep us posted!


It's always good having a job. You simply can't live without the money... I hope you like your job (espescially after this week). Well good luck!!!!

Irene, Catkin,

No worries! I am enjoying my job. I an just a bit of a control-freak (or perfectionist to put it a bit more friendly ;-) ) so I will always be able to put some bears on the road (to use a direct translation of the Ducth saying ;-) ). And as you said, very nice to have money coming in, especially now that we are both working!

It is just a fact (of life ?) that would we ever win the biggie (lotery) we would definitely quit working and spend more time on our hobby's. Not sure if that goes for most of you (a lot of people seem to keep on working in that case), but definitely for us.

So, with a smile to bed, because tomorrow is another change to make some bucks!
I'm glad you like your job.
I've got some good news as well (for myself). I finished my english translations a couple of days ago. It took me lot's of hours, but I'm finally done with it. From my study Social Pedagogical Work I had 21 pages of translations (all the subjects). Now I'm just waiting to get everything back. I might be able to sent my skills assessment already at the end of this month, instead of next month.
I'm also going to do the IELTS test at the 14th of October. I'm a bit worried about the test, but hopefully I'm going to do fine (as long as I'm going to pass it's alright by më). So I should write here a lot, to practise. I'm going to do the General test, which is better than the academic... Just keep my fingers crossed!!!!
[quote author=perthpete link=topic=2886.msg71068#msg71068 date=1158240844]
It is just a fact (of life ?) that would we ever win the biggie (lotery) we would definitely quit working and spend more time on our hobby's. Not sure if that goes for most of you (a lot of people seem to keep on working in that case), but definitely for us.[/quote]

Oh yeah. I totally agree with you. I don't live for work. I just have to work for my living. The money is the reason for me that I go to work (of course a bit of fun helps you get through the day easier) but there are so much more wonderful things to see and do than work for your boss to increase his earnings. It's just that without money you can't live the life you would like it to be.....